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Cambridge Year 9 Science Workbook
CheckPoint, Year 9Based on International IGCSE Syllabus, this workbook is suitable for students attending international school Year 9 who are looking to strengthen their science subject with more practice. This book contains structure questions, fill in the blanks, label diagrams, tick correct answers and multiple choice.
Diagrams and formats which can immediately help improve students memory towards the subject and accelerate their learning progress.
Answers are provided.
Chapter 1 : Plants
Chapter 2 : Adaptation & Survival
Chapter 3 : Ecosystems
Chapter 4 : Human Influences
Chapter 5 : Variation & Classification
Chapter 1 : Material Properties
Chapter 2 : Energy Changes
Chapter 3 : The Reactivity Series
Chapter 4: Making Salts
Chapter 5: Rate of Reaction
Chapter 1 : Pressure
Chapter 2 : Density
Chapter 3 : Turning Effect
Chapter 4 : Electricity
Chapter 5: Energy
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